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Personal Narrative: Final

Writer's picture: David SteinDavid Stein

Updated: Jul 30, 2019

David Stein

Mat Wenzel 

20 July 2019

ENC 2135

Personal Narrative

“Attention, attention, quiet please,” said the camp counselor faintly into the microphone on stage.

I saw children running with their parents scrambling to catch them and the faint sound of the camp counselor over the microphone trying to contain the mess of people. This was my very first image of Vacation Bible School (VBS).  As I walked through the cafeteria doors with my crew leader shirt on, I sighed knowing that VBS was going to be tiresome. After taking in the chaotic sight, I glanced to my right to see the sign in table.

“Morning David” said Miss Fran.

With tiredness in my voice I replied, “morning Miss Fran.”

“Ready for your first day as a crew leader?” she asked.

“I guess I am” I said.

“Great! Here’s your assigned crew number and the days itinerary. Just head over to your crew and have fun!”

With this little information I walked lethargically to my assigned crew and awaited the arrival of my members. 

Staring off into space with a blank stare on my face, a parent and their child approached the crew circle.

“Hey there” said the mom, “this is Collin.”

I looked down to see a little boy hiding behind his mom.

“Hi Collin, I’m your crew leader David.”

He had no reaction to my introduction besides an undecipherable word. This was more or less my interaction with all the kids as they trickled in. Sitting in the circle, I noticed that they were all quiet and still a little upset about having to leave their parents. I was a little uncertain what to say to the campers, so I asked a question.

“What is your favorite food to eat?” I asked one camper named Morgan.

Timidly she responded, “Mac and cheese.”

This immediately sparked discussion.

“No way, chicken fingers for sure” said Ethan.

“I like Lunchables” commented Abby.

Without even noticing I had a smile on my face. Their immediate responses to such predictable foods was hilarious to me.

“All right” I said over the chatter amongst the crew, “who's ready for a great day of Vacation Bible School?”

They all simultaneously apprehensively said “me.”

“That's not good enough,” I said in an attempt to spark excitement, “Who’s ready for VBS?”

This time I received a yelling “YES!” from all the members. With the ice broken, we began the first day. 

As soon as opening song and introduction was wrapped up, it was time for our first journey into vacation bible school.

“Who's ready for bible study?” I asked. I only had one reply to this.

“When's snack?”

This was all I heard for the rest of bible study; the continual questioning of when snack time and gym would begin. Then I noticed Ethan prying at his shoe. He removed it and threw it causing a disturbance in the back of the room.

“Ethan!” I exclaimed in a loud whisper, trying not to disturb the others, “why did you throw your shoe?”

“I was bored and I’m hungry. I want snack time," he said.

“Please keep your shoes on Ethan. Snack time is the next station.” I replied.

With this first station under my belt, I was finally starting to understand how these kids operated as well as gaining an insight to their like and dislikes. With day one wrapping up, the kids in the group started to befriend one another and understand how VBS worked. I myself even had fun. 

“Moring David,” said Miss Fran.

“Moring Miss Fran,” I replied.

“Ready for another day at camp?”

I stood there for a second thinking to myself if I was and to oddly enough, I was.

“Yes, I am,” I said.

The crew arrived slowly again, and I noticed how they look happier to be there and less nervous to leave their parents. Collin was again the first to arrive.

“How you are doing Collin?” I asked.

“Good,” he said with a smile.

I also noticed that he was also standing in front of his mom today showing that he was less intimidated. Fast forwarding through the day to gym, Ethan and Rachel began to show off their speed, trying to gain my attention, in a one on one old fashioned foot race.

“David, watch this!” they yelled across the field.

“I’m watching,” I yelled back.

I assume that they took this as go because as soon as I said that, they took off. As they began to run Ethan was off to a clear start with Rachel right on his heels. When they got to the turnaround, the fence, Ethan turned and slipped. Rachel took advantage of this and beat him back to the starting line claiming victory.

“I’m the fastest in the crew David,” she kept announcing to all.

Ethan didn’t even seem to care that he lost because he was to worried getting the dirt of his shorts. I guess all that really mattered was that this showed that the kids were much more comfortable around me which created a better camp. Watching the last camper walk away with their parents filled me with great anticipation for the last day of camp; I was excited yet sad to know that the final day had almost arrived. 

Ready for the final day of camp David?” said Miss Fran.

“Yes ma’am can't wait!” I exclaimed, “Collin and Ethan are becoming close friends and the girls, Morgan, Abby, and Rachel, are all constantly chattering and laughing.”

“Well I hope the final day is splendid,” said Miss Fran cordially.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile.

I began to walk towards my crew circle when two of my campers, Collin and Morgan, ran over to me and nearly knocked me over.

“Are you ready for the water balloon fight? Are you? Are you?” “I sure am!” I said.

We again toured through the stations and arrived at the last station before the gym water balloon fight. Bible study. Mrs. Mary was teaching about how Moses parted the Red Sea. I scanned my crew to ensure that everyone was listening. Sure enough they were all whispering, even Collin.

“Hey,” I said in a hushed tone, “we need to keep it down for ten more minutes until we go to the water balloon fight.”

At that very moment Mrs. Mary, who is a very kind woman, cut in “is there an issue crew six?”

“Nope, we’re just excited for the water balloon fight,” I announced.

It was at that moment that I knew I had become immersed in the group. I was no longer on the outside but quite the opposite. I answered Mrs. Mary’s question with “we’re” and I meant it. I was truly looking forward to the water balloon fight just as much as the kids. As we left this second to last station, everyone was teeming with anticipation. The look of pure bliss on the kids faces were clear as day as they realized this final activity was upon us. As was entered the gym, each crew had a bucket of water balloons. The goal was clear: hit anyone who had a different crew shirt on. A timer was set. 3,2,1 BEEP. It began. Chaos erupted. Water balloons went everywhere. I turn to my right and see Ethan get hit in the side. A quick glance to my left provides me with a view of Morgan and Rachel using a water balloon sling shot, that they brought from home, against the other crews. By the time it was over there was obviously no clear winning team but a ton of happy smiles from the campers. I too had a great time and was laughing with some of the other crew leaders. This day highlighted how different my view on the camp was from the start to finish.

On the last day, Ethan tugged at my shirt. “David, when are we all going to see you again?”  

“I’ll be back next year to do it all over again,” I said with a brave face trying to avoid showing too much emotion.


About Me

I'm a Summer C Freshman at Florida State University enrolled in ENC 2135. Enjoy my blog!


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